How to find creative opportunities

How to use our creative opportunities calendar

When we started sharing opportunities for African creatives in 2021, we didn’t realise how much joy it would bring us. (And also how much time it would take!)

We want to make it really easy for you to search for creative opportunities, so we’re creating this guide to explain each step.


You can find the opportunities calendar:

  • By clicking the button at the top of the homepage.
  • In the middle of the homepage.
  • In the menu at the top of the site.
how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Filter by Creative Discipline

Click category to filter by creative discipline. This lets you see opportunities based on your creative skill. For example if you click ‘For dancers’ you will see only opportunities for dancers.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Filter by Location

 This lets you see opportunities based on location. For example, ‘Worldwide’ means anyone in the world can apply. ‘Kenya’ means only people in Kenya and ‘Some African Countries’ means only some African countries have eligibility so you should check the opportunity carefully.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Other Filter

The other filter tells you whether you have to pay to apply for this opportunity and whether or not there is a cash reward.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Select a Month

You can select a month if you want to find out what opportunities are coming to an end in a certain month. Otherwise, just leave this blank.


Select Your View

We recommend clicking ‘List’ to see a full list of all the opportunities. But ‘Tiles’ does look better so we won’t be mad if you click that view either. 

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Select Your Opportunity

Once you see an opportunity you like, click to open it up. 

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Read Carefully

The most important details you should pay attention to are:

  • What type of creative the opportunity is for.
  • The deadline
  • Location eligibility
  • And the rewards.

Make sure you read all the information carefully. If you have any questions, we’ve included an email address at the bottom of the opportunity.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe



Apply following the instructions in the post. There will be a link taking you to the page where you should apply.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Add to Calendar

You can also add the opportunity to your calendar to get reminders about the deadline.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Similar Opportunities

And if you want to see similar opportunities:

  • Click a tag
  • Check out the related opportunities
  • Click the category for similar opportunities
how to apply for opportunities on trybe


Share with Friends

You can also share the opportunity with your friends.

how to apply for opportunities on trybe

Remember, these opportunities are not created by Trybe. We just find them and share them. We always include the contact details of the organiser of the opportunity so you can direct your questions there.

As this is a new project, there won’t always be an opportunity for all creative disciplines. Please bear with us while we continue to update the calendar.

If there’s anything we haven’t covered or something that’s confusing, please leave a comment or email us at

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