MØRNING People Fund
Opportunity type: Fund
For: Different creatives
Deadline: 01/02/24
Rewards: £4,000
Location Eligibility: Worldwide
About this opportunity
MPF is *The MØRNING People Fund* a quarterly grant for artists, creatives, dreamers and innovators, designed to fuel the boundary-pushing work that keeps culture alive. Do you have a creative idea that needs cash to make a reality? Or maybe a project which could use extra funding?.
- £4,000
- 45 minute coaching session with a MØRNING team member.
Applicants can be any age provided they are a legal adult in their country of residence (18 years and above)
Anyone who needs help bringing a brilliant creative idea to life can apply. MORNING PEOPLE are artists, designers, musicians, entrepreneurs, hackers, photographers, writers, filmmakers, illustrators, developers, students, pensioners, robots, cats. We’re all ears.
Entry Fee
How to Apply
Apply using the link https://bit.ly/3S33YIj
All questions regarding this award should be sent to good@morning.fyi .
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