IWMF Foundation
Opportunity type: Grant
For: Journalists (Women only)
Deadline: 20/08/23
Rewards: $5,000
Location Eligibility: Worldwide
About this opportunity
Kari Howard loved stories that left readers feeling as though they had just met a new friend. Writers fortunate enough to work with her as their editor found themselves challenged to weave the music of everyday life and the passion of extraordinary love into the fabric of stories illuminating the most important issues of the day. Kari’s family and friends, together with the International Women’s Media Foundation, are honored to offer grants to support the narrative journalism she championed.
Grants will be for a maximum of $5,000.
.Entry Fee
How to Apply
Apply using the link: https://bit.ly/3YxtUP8
All questions regarding this grant should be sent to info@iwmf.org.
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