Independent & Image Art Space – Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams
Opportunity type: Open Call
For: Photographers
Deadline: 31/08/2024.
Rewards: Exhibition+ Exposure
Location Eligibility: Worldwide
About this opportunity
Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) invites photographers worldwide to apply for a group exhibition open call “Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams”. The “Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams” exhibition aims to explore the intersection between reality, illusions, and dreams, presenting a visual experience that transcends the ordinary. Inspired by the realms of dreams and illusions, photographers use various techniques and unique perspectives to create images that are both familiar and fantastical. The exhibition places no restrictions on photographic techniques or styles, encouraging photographers to unleash their creativity and depict the beauty and mystery of the surreal
Group exhibition and exposure
Open to photographers in all parts of the world
Entry Fee
$80 for up to 10 images
How to Apply
Apply using the link: Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams
All questions regarding this open call should be sent to
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