Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize.
Opportunity type: Award
For: Journalists
Deadline: 15/02/24
Rewards: $25 000 prize + Laureate medal
Location Eligibility: Worldwide
About this opportunity
The purpose of the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize is to reward each year a person, organization or institution that has made a notable contribution to the defense and/or promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world, especially if risks have been involved. The objective of the Prize is in conformity with UNESCO’s policies and is related to the program of the Organization in the field of communication and information and, more specifically, to the priority given to promoting an enabling environment for freedom of expression and freedom of information.
- The value of the Prize shall be of a minimum of 25,000 USD and determined by the Director-General in consultation with the donors on the basis of the contributions received, the interest on the sum deposited in the special account in accordance with the Financial Regulations of UNESCO, and the charges to be borne by the account for the cost of administering the Prize.
- The prize also consists of a certificate and an object symbolizing the award and granted to the prize winner.
- Candidates shall have made a significant contribution to press freedom anywhere in the world representing all types of media including digital media. Prizes may be conferred upon individuals, institutions, other entities or non-governmental organization.
- Each nomination shall be accompanied by a written recommendation, which shall include, in English or French, inter alia:(a) a description of the candidate’s background and achievements;(b) the candidate’s contributions of major importance to the promotion of freedom of the press, submitted to the Jury for consideration;
(c) a definition of the candidate’s contribution to the Prize’s objectives.
(d) a high-resolution photo portrait of the candidate.
Entry Fee
How to Apply
Apply using the link: Guillerimo Cano World Press Freedom Prize
All questions regarding this award should be sent to unesco-cano-prize@unesco.org .
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